Render Rocket Project Estimator


Average Frame Render Time


Use a free Render Rocket Test Render for accurate average frame times.

Click here to learn how to run a free test render

Total Frames


Enter your project data above to calculate estimated processing time and pricing below

The following estimates are only as good as the data you enter above

Estimated Processing Time

At a target farm size of 20 x , your estimated job will take

Note: Jobs running in Economy Mode are restricted to one or two servers.

Estimated Cost

Prepay for credits to receive a discounted rate

Pay-As-You-Go transactions require a minimum $5 USD payment. If the price of your job is under $5, you will be billed $5 and the remaining credits will be added to your account for future use.

Package Cost per core hour Estimated cost Estimated Membership cost Estimated Economy Mode cost
On Demand (No Package) $0.50
$195, 410 Credit Package $0.48
$495, 1100 Credit Package $0.45
$995, 2370 Credit Package $0.42
$2495, 6570 Credit Package $0.38
$4995, 14,275 Credit Package $0.35
Special pricing is available for students, click here to see if you qualify

All estimates are based upon information entered. To properly estimate your project you must run a GOOD TEST on Render Rocket servers. Estimates are for your informational purposes only and do not constitute an agreement of actual render time. Render Rocket charges for actual render time used on Render Rocket Servers.